13th Abralin Conference: Deadline extension
Attention! The registration of proposals for the Thematic Symposia, posters and satellite events of the XIII Abralin International (...)
BENJAMIN, W. Writings on myth and language. Ed. J M Gaguebin. Trad. S K Lages. São Paulo: Two cities / 34, 2011.
Attention! The registration of proposals for the Thematic Symposia, posters and satellite events of the XIII Abralin International (...)
Abralin informs its members that the next edition of InterAb will be held in Curitiba, in 2023. Dates will be announced (...)
Este XV Encontro resgata a efeméride e é comemorativo do Jubileu de Prata, uma vez que esse importante marco de (...)
22/11/2022 a 25/11/2022
UFPA e Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
Viva Língua Viva 2022 The Organizing Committee of the II International Seminar Viva Língua Viva is pleased to announce the event's program and inform that the deadline for submission of papers was extended until June 5th, 2022. The theme of Viva Língua Viva II is: “LANGUAGE REVITALIZATION: Why and how to do it?” (...)